Weakley County Prevention Coalition Goals:

1. Decrease the use and misuse of alcohol by youth and young adults in Weakley County.
- Educating youth, parents, and young adults on alcohol use consequences and social hosting
- Conducting Responsible Beverage Server Trainings in Weakley County
- Partnering with local law enforcement to conduct retail compliance checks
- Working with retailers to ensure employees have received proper training on carding
- Working with local beer boards to create effective policies and rules to ensure retailers are not providing alcohol to underage individuals

2. Decrease the misuse of prescription medications by youth and young adults.
Educating youth, parents, young adults, and community members on prescription drug misuse and abuse by
Reminding community to safely lock their prescription medications in one of our FREE lock boxes
Remind members to properly dispose of their prescription medications when they are no longer being used in one the six drop boxes in the county at the following locations: Martin Police Department, CVS in Martin, Crisp Hall at UT Martin, Sharon City Hall, Greenfield Police Department, and Weakley County Sheriff’s Office
Encouraging medical professionals to utilize the Controlled Substance Monitoring Database (CSMD) for prescribing practices
Hosting Drug Take Back events twice yearly for community members to safely dispose of their prescription medications for incineration

3.Decrease the use of tobacco, e-cigarette, and vaping products by youth and young adults.
- Education youth, parents, young adults, and community on the consequences of product use
- Promoting the Tennessee Tobacco Quitline as a resource
- Partnering with local law enforcement to conduct retail compliance checks
- Working with retailers to ensure employees have received proper training on carding

4. Strengthen Weakley County Prevention Coalition’s current prevention capacity and infrastructure at the community level in support of prevention efforts.
- Cultural competency and Ethics training
- Leadership development
- Strategic planning
- Sustainability
- Community mobilization
- Developing future leaders and champions for change in substance abuse prevention with our youth